How Can Remote Guarding Services Work for Your Company

Unmanned guarding services can be a cost-effective and efficient way to enhance the security of an area. Here are some of the best methods to effectively utilize unmanned guarding services and how remote guarding can work for you:

  • Cost-Effective: Remote guarding can be more cost-effective than traditional on-site security personnel. It reduces labor costs associated with hiring and managing security staff and eliminates the need for physical infrastructure like guard booths.
  • 24/7 Surveillance: Remote guarding provides continuous surveillance and monitoring of property 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without breaks or downtime. This ensures that security is always active, even during holidays and off-hours.
  • Enhanced Coverage: Multiple cameras and sensors can cover larger areas simultaneously, eliminating blind spots that on-site security personnel might have. This broader coverage helps deter criminal activity and provides a more comprehensive view of the property.
  • Immediate Response: Remote guards can quickly respond to security breaches and suspicious activities using real-time video and audio feeds. They can assess the situation and take appropriate actions, such as contacting law enforcement or dispatching on-site security if necessary.
  • Reduced False Alarms: Remote guarding systems can use advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to differentiate between genuine security threats and false alarms caused by animals, weather, or other non-threatening factors. This reduces the number of unnecessary responses.
  • Scalability: Remote guarding solutions are highly scalable and can adapt to the changing security needs of a property. Additional cameras and sensors can be easily added as required, making it a flexible security solution.
  • Reduced Liability: With remote guarding, there is no physical security personnel on-site, reducing the potential for liability issues, such as injuries to security guards or wrongful accusations.
  • Remote Access and Reporting: Property owners and managers can access security camera feeds and receive real-time reports remotely, informing them about security incidents and response efforts from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Enhanced Deterrence: Visible security cameras and signs indicating remote monitoring can strongly deter potential criminals, reducing the likelihood of security breaches.
  • Documentation and Evidence: Video footage and incident reports generated by remote guarding systems can be valuable evidence in legal proceedings, insurance claims, and investigations.

You can use our remote guarding services with or without power/internet. Contact us today for more information.